
Amanda Name: Amanda
Surname: Tintelo
Location: Cape Town
Status: Recruited
Date started: 14 May 2012
End period: 29 June 2012


My experience thus far on the Developer Factory program:
My name is Amanda Odwa Tintelo, started with Developer Factory on 14th May 2012. I find the programme very interesting and educative. I’m exploring Magic XPA because it is new to me. I was impressed by the culture at the office, from the very beginning.

I remember my first day I walked into the foyer where I was greeted nicely and quickly guided to my manager. Everywhere I looked, I would see the welcoming faces of the many with Developer Factory Apprentices. They were busy in the very well organized and clean office. Interns are wisely selected and the team is full of amazing personalities.

The most important aspects of my times here are the insights I learned. No doubt the knowledge I gain today will serve me constantly in many domains. As I keep practising the tutorial, my knowledge is improving faster. I am acquiring the tools to thrive in today’s world, but also those I will need to build tomorrow’s world.

This will prove immensely beneficial for my future career and it was definitely the best choice for me.


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