
Lunga Name: Lunga
Surname: Nxele
Location: Johannesburg
Status: Recruited
Date started: 29 February 2012
End period: 1 August 2012


My experience thus far on the Developer Factory program:
Hi my name is Lunga Nxele I’m young, gifted and still have much more to give in the next couple up coming months. And I’m back again with part 2 of my Developer Factory (Software Developer) ROLLERCOASTER.

I would like to share my experience these past couple months since joining the Developer Factory. It has been quite a big challenge for me. Thinking that one day it will come to this, the great things I have been offered and have learnt here, on a daily basis. Yet again some things will never go your way so I have been learning more and understanding how things work out for the best at the end once you have done your challenge correctly.

And come to think of it I have never been this proud of myself yet again everyone say it’s part of growing up and I have not seen the bigger picture to life and yes I have indeed and I’m still painting my picture.

I will repeat my word by thanking Developer Factory once again for the opportunity that they have given me, to prove to myself that anything is possible. If you put your mind and heart to it and to get all of that you need to take it one step at a time like others would say baby steps to life.

Hi my name is Lunga Nxele and I’m a member and part of the Developer Factory team (Software Developer), which I would say it’s quite interesting cause we actually got introduced to a new programming language called Magic XPA, like with this language its easy as 1, 2, 3 when it comes to its platform of coding and challenging at some point had to mention that.

I would say with all due respect the Developer Factory has opened my eyes and given me the chance to actually follow my dreams and yet again also up my level of programming using a new programming language and begin given one of the most top class respect and leadership with the lovely colleagues around me, and to get all of that you need to take it one step at a time like others would say baby steps to life. If I would describe Magic XPA and Developer Factory, I would say FUN!!!!!!!!!!



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