
Merlin Name: Merlin
Surname: Ferreira
Location: Johannesburg
Status: Recruited
Date started: 12 March 2013
End date: 2 August 2013


My experience thus far on the Developer Factory program:
My Name is Merlin Ferreira, I am a recent graduate from the University of Johannesburg and I am part of the Developer Factory Team. The transition between university and the working environment has not been that difficult but the working environment is much broader than being a student.

I was thrilled when I heard I will be part of the developer factory and thus far the experience has been awesome. The Developer Factory does not only give you the opportunity to put your foot in the door but it allows you to open and explore what’s behind this door called the IT industry.

As a “fresher” just out of university the Developer Factory will give me the working experience that I need as well as develop my skills as a Software Developer and thus far I couldn’t have asked for anything better than what I am learning and doing, and just to be part of the Developer Factory is an experience in itself.

I have learned so much in the past few weeks since I’ve started. So far I’ve been learning how to develop mobile applications by using Android. I am currently busy with an application called Dots and Boxes that combines Java with Android. It has been challenging but very exciting to learn and gives me the opportunity to think outside the box.

The Developer Factory is the start to a bright future and I am excited to see what they have in store for me as a young female developer.

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